
Tasksheet 5

Author: David Merkley

Language: Python

Task 1

Routine Name: NewtonRoot

Description/Purpose: Approximates a root with Newton’s method. I added this to my python package.

Input: A function f(x), the derivative of f(x), f’(x), starting point x0, a tolerance, and a max iteration.

Output: Approximation of the root


  from math import exp

  def f(x):
        return x * exp(3 * x**2) - 7 * x

  def derivf(x):
        return ((6 * x**2) + 1) * exp(3 * x**2) - 7

  def newtonMethod(f, derivf, x0, tol=1e-10, maxiter=1e5):
         fx = f(x0)
         error = 10 * tol
         counter = 0
         while counter in range(int(maxiter)) and error > tol:
               x = x0 - fx / derivf(x0)
               error = abs(x - x0)
               fx = f(x)
               if error < tol:
                    return x
              x0 = x
         print("No root was found")

  print(newtonMethod(f, derivf, 1))



Task 2

Routine Name: SecantRoot

Description/Purpose: Approximates a root with the Secant method. I added this to my python package.

Input: A function f(x), starting point x0, initial point x1a tolerance, and a max iteration.

Output: Approximation of the root


from math import exp

  def f(x):
      return x * exp(3 * x**2) - 7 * x

  def derivf(x):
      return ((6 * x**2) + 1) * exp(3 * x**2) - 7

  def secantMethod(f, x0, x1, tol=1e-10, maxiter=1e10):
      xk1 = x1
      xk0 = x0
      f1 = f(xk1)
      f0 = f(xk0)
      error = 10 * tol
      counter = 0
      while counter in range(int(maxiter)) and error > tol:
          error = abs(xk1 - xk0)
          xk2 = xk1 - f1 / ((f1 - f0) / (xk1 - xk0))
          xk0 = xk1
          xk1 = xk2
          f0 = f1
          f1 = f(xk1)
          if error < tol:
              return xk1
      print("No root was found")

  print(secantMethod(f, 1, 2))



Task 3

Routine Name: NewtonConvergence

Description/Purpose: Verifies quadratic convergence using Newton’s method.

Input: A function f(x), the derivative of f(x), f’(x), starting point x0, a tolerance, and a max iteration.

Output: A log-log plot


  import math
  from math import exp
  from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

  def f(x):
      return x * exp(3 * x**2) - 7 * x

  def derivf(x):
      return ((6 * x**2) + 1) * exp(3 * x**2) - 7

  def logplot(logerr):
      x = []
      y = []
      for i in range(1, len(logerr)):
          x.append(logerr[i - 1])
      plt.title("Log-Log Plot of Newton's Convergence")
      plt.xlabel("Log $e_k$")
      plt.ylabel("log $e_{k - 1}$")
      plt.plot(x, y)

  def newtonConvergence(f, derivf, x0, tol=1e-10, maxiter=1e10):
      x = [x0]
      fx0 = f(x[0])
      counter = 1
      while counter in range(1, int(maxiter + 1)):
          error = abs(fx0)
          tempx = (x[counter - 1] - fx0 / derivf(x[counter - 1]))
          fx0 = f(tempx)
          if error < tol:
              logerr = [math.log(abs(xcounter - tempx)) for xcounter in x]
          counter = counter + 1

  newtonConvergence(f, derivf, 1)



Task 4

Routine Name: SecantConvergence

Description/Purpose: Verifies quadratic convergence using the Secant method.

Input: A function f(x), the derivative of f(x), f’(x), starting point x0, a tolerance, and a max iteration.

Output: A log-log plot


  import math
  from math import exp
  from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

  def f(x):
      return x * exp(3 * x**2) - 7 * x

  def logplot(logerr):
      x = []
      y = []
      for i in range(1, len(logerr)):
          x.append(logerr[i - 1])
      plt.title("Log-Log Plot of Secant's Convergence")
      plt.xlabel("Log $e_k$")
      plt.ylabel("log $e_{k - 1}$")
      plt.plot(x, y)

  def secantConvergence(f, x0, x1, tol=1e-10, maxiter=1e10):
      x = [x0, x1]
      fx0 = f(x[0])
      fx1 = f(x[1])
      counter = 2
      while counter in range(2, int(maxiter + 2)):
          # error = abs(fx0)
          tempx = x[counter - 1] - fx0 / ((fx0 - fx1) / (x[counter - 1] - x[counter - 2]))
          fx1 = fx0
          fx0 = f(tempx)
          if abs(fx0) < tol:
              logerr = [math.log(abs(xcounter - tempx)) for xcounter in x]
          counter = counter + 1

  secantConvergence(f, 1, 2)



Task 5

Routine Name: HybridMethod

Description/Purpose: Searches for roots by combining bisection method with the Newton’s method.

Input: A function f(x), the derivative of f(x), f’(x), starting point x0, a tolerance, and a max iteration.

Output: A log-log plot


  import math
  from math import exp
  from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

  def f(x):
      return x * exp(3 * x**2) - 7 * x

  def derivf(x):
      return ((6 * x**2) + 1) * exp(3 * x**2) - 7

  def newton(f, fx, derivf, x):
      return x - fx / derivf(x)

  def bisection(f, fa, fb, a, b):
      # Different signs for f(a) and f(b)
      if fa > 0 and fb < 0 or fa < 0 and fb > 0:
          counter = 0
          while counter in range(5):
              c = (a + b) / 2
              fc = f(c)
              if (fa * fc < 0):
                  fb = fc
                  b = c
                  fa = fc
                  a = c
              counter = counter + 1
          c = (a + b) / 2
          return a, b, c
          print("Values were not opposite signs")

  def hybridMethod(f, derivf, a, b, tol=1e-10, maxiter=1e10):
      c = (a + b) / 2
      fa = f(a)
      fb = f(b)
      fc = f(c)
      for counter in range(int(maxiter)):
          c = newton(f, fc, derivf, c)
          if c < a or c > b:
              a, b, c = bisection(f, fa, fb, a, b)
              fc = f(c)
              fc = f(c)
              if fa * fc < 0:
                  fb = fc
                  b = c
                  fa = fc
                  a = c
          error = b - a
          if error < tol:
              return c
      print("No root found")

  print(hybridMethod(f, derivf, -5, 10))



Task 6

The Bisection method is a root finding method that is very slow. It’s simple and usually used to obtain a rough approximation of a root. Newton’s method has some problems, because you need to calcuate the derivative of the function before even starting to use the method. Though this method is extremely fast. The secant method has a low number of steps, but is slower than Newton’s method. Also, the secant method does not require that the root remain bracketed.

Wikipedia Bisection Wikipedia Newton’s Wikipedia Secant