
Routine Name: powerIteration

Author: David Merkley

Language: Python

Description/Purpose: performs power iteration

Input: a matrix and starting point

Output: the operation


def powerIteration(A, x0, tol=1e-10, maxiter=1e3):
    l0 = float('inf')
    x = x0
    for i in range(int(maxiter)):
        y = matrixVectorMultiply(A, x)
        v = vectorScalarMultiply(y, 1/l2(y))
        l1 = vectorDotProduct(v, matrixVectorMultiply(A, v))
        error = abs(l1 - l0)
        if (error < tol):
            return l1, v
            l0 = l1
            x = v
    print("Max Iter")