Routine Name: HybridSecant
Author: David Merkley
Language: Python
Description/Purpose: Approximates a root using a hybrid of the Secant method and Bisection method.
Input: a function f, a and b so they’re opposite signs, tolerance, max iterations
Output: Approximate root
def newton(f, fx, derivf, x):
return x - fx / derivf(x)
def bisection(f, fa, fb, a, b):
# Different signs for f(a) and f(b)
if fa > 0 and fb < 0 or fa < 0 and fb > 0:
counter = 0
while counter in range(5):
c = (a + b) / 2
fc = f(c)
if (fa * fc < 0):
fb = fc
b = c
fa = fc
a = c
counter = counter + 1
c = (a + b) / 2
return a, b, c
print("Values were not opposite signs")
def hybridMethod(f, derivf, a, b, tol=1e-10, maxiter=1e10):
c = (a + b) / 2
fa = f(a)
fb = f(b)
fc = f(c)
for counter in range(int(maxiter)):
c = newton(f, fc, derivf, c)
if c < a or c > b:
a, b, c = bisection(f, fa, fb, a, b)
fc = f(c)
fc = f(c)
if fa * fc < 0:
fb = fc
b = c
fa = fc
a = c
error = b - a
if error < tol:
return c
print("No root found")